
Quaira della Miniera DAM (Bolzano – Italy)

In 2015 Pizzi Instruments receives from SE Hydropower of Bolzano the first contract for the supply of n. 3 laser telependulums – model LAC3000. In 2016, the customer, fully satisfied with the delivery, proceeded with the order of three additional laser telependulums – model LAC3000.

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Saqqara Archaeological Site (Egypt)

Saqqara archaeological site is a vast, ancient burial ground in Egypt, serving as the necropolis for the Ancient Egyptian Capital, Memphis. The site covers an area of around 7 x 1,5 km.

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Port of Catania : Load tests on pole

The project involved the installation of 25 mini strain gauge bars with vibrating wire, aimed at carrying out a load test on the pilot pole, as part of the construction works of the new commercial dock, at the port of Catania. it occurred along via Peruzzi, near a road embankment, where a significant collapse of a wall occurred with the consequent sliding of a large amount of land into the valley below.

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