
Alice Castello landfill (Vercelli) – Supply of geotechnical equipment
In 2008 the Pizzi company received the order for the supply of a monitoring system for the Alice Castello landfill, in the province of Vercelli.

Italian Navy (La Spezia) – Italy
The project was born from the need of the Italian Navy to be equipped with a system to measure the transversal inclinations of Navy ships during stability tests.

Department of Civil Protection – Seismic monitoring instrumentation
For several years, the Swiss company GeoSIG Ltd undertakes with the Department of Civil Protection – Seismic Structural Observatory – a series of contracts for the support of the ordinary and extraordinary management of the monitoring systems of the Seismic Structural Observatory.

System for the measurement of the heeling of naval units, Navy of Taranto
In March 2021 Pizzi Instruments won the tender called by the Arsenale of the Navy of Taranto for the supply of a Real Time inclinometer system for the measurement of the skidding of the Naval Units.