Koysha Dam (Ethiopia)


Salini Impregilo Spa


2016 – in progress


Supply of monitoring equipment for the Koysha dam

The project has been commissioned by the Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) and foresees the construction of a RCC dam, 170 m high, with a reservoir volume of 6000 million cubic meters. The hydroelectric plant will yearly produce 6,460 GWh.

The construction of the Koysha Dam, together with the GIBE III hydroelectric plant and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Project (GERDP) will allow Ethiopia to be envisioned as the energy engine of the entire African continent.

On 19/07/2016 Pizzi Instruments receives the first order for the supply of monitoring instrumentation for this important project.

The supply is still being carried out, in compliance with the technical specifications and in full compliance with the time schedule provided by the Client.

Tools used:

Vibrating Wire Piezometers
Datalogger CUM3000
Weather station