Scheduled Maintenance Service of the monitoring and automatic acquisition system installed at the Bilancino dam
The Bilancino dam was designed to meet four main purposes: greater water availability for the users of Florence and its district; improvement of the characteristics of the Arno river; reduction of flood risks; tourist and recreational enhancement.
From 1987 to today, the Pizzi Franco company has periodically signed a series of contracts with Publiacqua SpA both for scheduled maintenance and for the new supply of monitoring and control instruments installed at the Bilancino Dam.
Pizzi, through its technical interventions, guarantees the functional status of its own production systems, in order to guarantee its full and correct operation, and,making, if necessary, adjustments and calibrations.
Collimatore ottico di precisione
Accessori per collimazione
Sonda Multiparametrica
Strumentazione Meteo
Datalogger CUM2000
Bubble Level Tiltmeter
Strumentazione Sismica
Aste idrometriche