The NTC thermometer allows precise and stable measurement of temperature over time. Given its very small size, it can be easily integrated into other sensors for determining temperature, which at times is indispensable for compensating primary measurements. These sensors are also used in thermometers for measuring the temperature of air, water and concrete in dams and other geotechnical and structural environments.
RTD, PT100 and CU30 are generally used in geotechnical and structural sectors for monitoring temperature; they are accurate and reliable in the medium and long term duration .
The electrical resistance of a sensor, either copper (CU30), or platinum (PT100), or any other material, varies its resistivity as a function of temperature.
This principle is used for many of our thermometers for measuring air, water or concrete.
In some models of vibrating wire instrument produced by Pizzi Instruments, temperature is measured by means of the same copper coils used for wire excitation.
PT100 resistance thermometers are also available.
Thermocouples are generally used in geotechnical and structural sectors, for temperature monitoring in the short or medium term. For long periods of observation, RTD sensors or thermistors are preferred.
Thermocouples are an excellent instrument, as they are simple and inexpensive; they are constituted by two conductors of suitable material, welded together at one end and which produce between the two free ends, a voltage which is a function of the temperature of the welded point.
They are widely used in RCC dams, directly embedded in the concrete.<\/p>\n\n\n\n